Your Survival Strategy
You have a Survival Strategy. You are not your Survival Strategy.
Survival is a specific orientation to life where your entire purpose and focus is to simply get by, to make it through, to not be killed in any way.
Surviving takes everything you have to maintain your status quo. It is designed the way so you have no surplus Presence, no abundance of Being or Being With.
This is why surviving is exhausting. At the end of the day - or the end of each moment - there is no surplus.
The objective of many Survival Strategies is to create enough surplus (money, food, fame, love...) that you can finally feel safe enough to relax.
But you must stay in survival so that your Survival Strategy works, and you have no other options for your life, so the safety created by having properties, cars, bank accounts, investment portfolios, lovers, 'friends' in high places, etc. is all superficial, and in the end useless, because your overall objective is still survival. The unconsciously terrifying fear-based inner-world of survival still prevails.
The first answer to the question, "How does your Survival Strategy work?" is, "It works just fine!" Or else you might not be alive.
An excellent reason to learn about various types and functionalities of Survival Strategies (that is, if you need a reason...) is to become a more relational human being. Every human being has a Survival Strategy.
Every human being is potentially NOT their Survival Strategy.
To whatever degree a person is still identified with their Survival Strategy and relating to the world and others (including you...) from their Survival Strategy, it pays big time to understand how the various types of Survival Strategies work so that you can work around them and experience some human-to-human connection.
It does not matter what kind of Survival Strategy you use because they all more-or-less work. You have survived.
- Believing and committing to the view that "I am okay."
- Believing and committing to the view that "I am not okay."
- Installing Energetic Blocks around your heart, your voice, your sexuality, your mental acuity.
- Splintering-off parts of your Being during trauma and keeping the part of you disconnected so you are never whole again.
- Using the smallest shred of evidence to make the same Stories over and over to support your Survival Strategy worldview.
- Create Mind Splits.
- Create Mind Machines.
- Creating Major Victim Circumstances to be rescued and/or to get revenge.
- To escape into Fantasy Worlds.
- To escape into Confusion.
- To escape into Delusions (self-generated illusions about what is and what is not).
- To flood yourself with Voices from external authority figures that judge and criticize you.
- To try to be Perfect and either imagine that you succeed and are 'The Chosen One', or that you fail and that you are 'The Hopeless One'.
- To Control everyone and everything around you using Perfectionist ideals which they may or may not subscribe to, but you do, and you are RIGHT.
- To drop out of society and become a hippie surfer vagabond bum. Make society wrong, or make yourself WRONG in the eyes of society.
- To join as a follower in any kind of sect (such as a church with a belief system...) to avoid having to take responsibility for your life in the world.
- To Contaminate your Adult Ego State with your Child Ego State so you can rule the world around you as a child with neediness and tantrums.
- To Contaminate your Adult Ego State with your Parent Ego State so you can rule the world around you as a parent, with rules and commands.
- To Contaminate your Adult Ego State with your Gremlin Ego State so you can rule the world around you with Shadow Principles.
- To Contaminate your Adult Ego State by making a Contract with some kind of Demon which takes over in stressful situations.
- To become invisible and powerless so you are not perceived as dangerous and others to not have to attack you.
- To mix your Emotions and live addicted to emotional states of aggressivity, nostalgia, depression, sentimentality, hysteria, isolation, despair, jealousy, shame, greed, resignation, carelessness, self-pity, self-hatred so people cannot connect with you.
- To stay addicted to unnecessary risks, investments, gambling, spying, lying, cheating, stealing, fighting in gangs, competing against other businesses in win-lose games.
- To become 'uglier' or 'more beautiful' than all those around you.
- To saturate your interactions with sexual energy as a White Widow, Grey Widow, or Black Widow.
- To become cheerful, bright, and happy all the time so as not to be a burden.
- To become unpleasable so as to constantly punish anyone who might want to love you or care for you.
- To be socially or intellectually inferior or superior to all others, regardless of the evidence.
- To voraciously climb the ladder in any hierarchical organization to gain the maximum power over all the others so as to command them to do your bidding.
- ...and on and on and on.
Human beings are astonishingly inventive with the diversity and inconceivable cleverness of the Survival Strategies we create. The only problem with your glorified circus side-show act is that even the most successful Survival Strategy only creates the same outcome as any other: mere survival.
from Gabriel Millinger 2022
I Observe that parallel to the "looking good" strategy, I also use a "looking bad" strategy.
Looking bad is being upfront about being hooked, having an emotion, being sucked into low drama, etc..
After I state these things, I look good (by looking bad) and very often I am not asked further questions and no action has to occur.
Thus, I set up a space in which I am accepted by the team by manipulating them: They think that I "do my work" while I take care with my Gremlin that they do not catch me, so no transformation occurs.
In case the Team points me out, I have lots of Reasoning and disguise-confetti, and only rarely is their Sword Of Clarity steady and sharp enough (and their Conscious Gremlins big enough) to reach me.
I got into a huge Liquid State, when Devin Gleeson and Benedikt Betz Navigated Space for me and did not put their Swords down. It was intense with all the confetti in the room.
My Gremlin roared and tried all of his strategies. Even now, 3 months after this space, I am still Liquid, and I live with a question Anne-Chloé Destremau asked on the Possibilitator DACH call a few weeks ago: How can I take care that I consciously use my own Gremlin to take my Gremlin apart into a Liquid State?
This is my new Practice. It keeps me quite awake!
Survival-driven behaviors are often used unconsciously instead of consciously choosing healthy, balanced, compassionate, and intimate living behaviors.
See bottom of list for tips on how to use the information that follows (i.e. what to do instead of survival-driven behaviors).
Abuse, emotional of self or others
Abuse, physical of self or others
Accountability, lack of
Acting out
Addictions, chemical***
Adrenaline addictions (non-ingested chemical addiction to one’s own adrenaline, etc.)
Angry behaviors
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADHD)**
Avoiding emotions
Bitchiness or irritability
Boredom, avoidance of
Breath, holding
Challenging others
Chaos, creating or seeking
Commitments, not keeping
Competitiveness -- can be of the Light or the Dark. Intent is the separating point.
Conflict, avoidance of
Conflict, creation of
Conning others
Contracts, vague
Control , self, excessive
Controlling, of others or afraid of from others
Criticizing others
Death, avoidance of thoughts of
Dependency, excessive
Dependency, rejection of
Determination (Can be healthy and balanced or expression of excitement addiction) *
Difficulty following rules
Drama, creating or seeking
Drug addiction***
Drug dealing
Eating disorders
Ego addiction
Emotional insensitivity
Enemies, creation of
Enemies, having none
Excitement addiction
Faith, lack of
Fear that is not reality based
Feelings, avoidance of
Feelings, control of instead of working with
Feelings, denial or discounting* of
Feelings, intense*
"F--- You" Attitude Or
Getting even
Getting rid of others
Giving up
God, lack of belief in
Happiness that is not reality based
Hurrying, excessively
Hyper vigilance
Inability to cooperate with others
Illnesses, all with a psychological component
"I'll do it myself" attitude
Intensity, emotional
Intimacy, avoidance of
Intimacy, difficulty with
Judgmental, being
“Kick Me Game”
Laughter, inappropriate
Lying, Bold-faced, small and white lies
Masking (Anastasia, The Storyteller has been masterful at this one.)
Mortality, avoidance of thoughts on
Not forgiving self or others
Now I’ve Got You, You SOB Game
Numbness, emotional
Partying, excessively
Passive aggressiveness
Pleasing others, excessively
Polarizing over differences rather than seeking ways to resolve them
Power addiction
Power struggles
Power, abuse of
Powerlessness, excessive
Psychosomatic illnesses, all;
Psychological game playing, pathologically
Punishing others
Revenge, seeking
Risk-taking, excessively*
Sadness that is not reality based
Seducible, being
Sexual acting-out
Solitude, avoidance of
Solitude, excessive
Spiritual confusion and conflicts
Survival motivations, excessive
Survival-Driven Behaviors, excessive or unrealistic
Talking, excessively
Temper tantrums
Trying hard
Victim, position
Void, avoidance of experiencing
* Some of these Survival-Driven Behaviors may appear to be contradictions of one another. Examples are charisma,
determination and “Enemies, creation of” and “Enemies, having none.“
However, they simply reflect that there are different Warrior styles.
Passive Warriors and Aggressive Warriors are two distinct types with
shades of both generally present in most of us.
** Some Survival-Driven Behaviors may also have a biological or chemical base.
*** Discounting defined -- minimizing or ignoring data (i.e. needs, emotions), rather that acknowledging, that is relevant to an individual (i.e. needs, emotions), a situation or the solving of a problem (i.e. driving on a flat tire instead of fixing it promptly).
For a discussion of the challenges of the "Aggressive Warrior" in relationships, you may enjoy reading Winning At Love, on the work, in this area, of my former psychiatrist mentor, Martin G. Groder, M.D., and his associate, Pat Webster. It is Dr. Groder's seminal work on the survivor/addict personality that is the basis for the concepts presented on this page.
Additional notes: holding with respect) = (i.e. preparatedness for a hurricane)
You cannot be Present as yourself.
Not being present as yourself cuts you off from connection with others, communication, intimacy, teamwork.
You are restricted to having only one purpose: survival.
Having only the survival purpose means you cannot Take A Stand, you cannot Commit, you cannot Shift Identity, you must dedicate your Gremlin to your own survival and cannot, for example, use your Gremlin to Go Nonlinear or Go Unreasonable.
Having only the survival purpose means you cannot advocate for anything other than your own survival. You cannot be your Archetypal Lineage in action, you cannot serve something greater than yourself.
In the condition where protecting yourself is necessary in order to keep being able to serve your Archetypal Lineage, the situation is temporary. Once you are out of the situation then surviving is put back in its proper place and you can continue to Live Full Out.
Isn't it strange that questions such as, "What is life about?" "How should I live?" "What is the meaning of life?" "What does it mean to really live?" are understandable and perhaps even considered important?
The questions indicate the state of the questioner.
Without being shown or given any other options besides merely surviving, the 'how to live' questions make sense. "What is life really about?" "Is this all there is?"
The Context of modern culture does not permit further distinctions to be made. But this restriction in that Context does not prevent additional distinctions being made in other Contexts.
This is where the Context of next culture - Archiarchy - begins to shine. Its Distinctions provide whole new domains of perception, experience, inner navigation, skillfulness, responsibility and awareness.
Leaving behind Survival by shifting into Living does not happen by itself. Yes, you are designed for the transition from Survival to Living to take place, beginning about 18 years of age. But several factors weigh unfairly against you.
First, you are born and raised in a culture that does not prepare you for this great life transition. Schooling only emphasizes intellectual development, and your mind has been distorted out of proportion to such a degree that you may think that you will die if you stop thinking.
Second, authentic Healing and Adulthood Initiatory processes that are formidable enough to cause Transformation have been banished from modern culture some 6000 years ago. Any ideas you may have heard about 'initiation into adulthood' have probably come from indigenous or mass-religion traditions that are not founded in and do not relate to the rapidly changing conditions on Earth at the beginning of the 21st Century.
Third, cultures that welcome and support you becoming a Living Initiated Adult Being are only partially established so far. Small pockets of archiarchal 'next cultures' thrive in certain project spaces, consciously-contexted nanonations, and intentional communities. These operate well-below the radar of mainstream news, so - due to you being terrorized by big government and corporate media - you assume anything so 'abnormal' must be a dangerous cult or sect. The injunction is that you must be crazy if you are attracted to anything like that.
The net result is that up until now it is very unlikely that you have built much Matrix in your Being so support Living.
The necessity of, and procedures for, Building Matrix are neither understood nor promoted in modern culture.
Matrix is built out of new Distinctions that land in your Being and catch more consciousness.
- Take A Stand for entering a Life Of Learning by entering a Life Of Practice.
- Become Centered.
- Become Grounded.
- Become Bubbled.
- Become Present.
- Minimize your NOW.
- Avoid making Judgements, even about other people's Judgements.
- Avoid making Conclusions, even about other people's Conclusions.
- Avoid making Stories, even about other people's Stories.
- Avoid making Assumptions, even about other people's Assumptions.
- Avoid making Expectations, even about other people's Expectations.
- Avoid making Resentments, even about other people's Resentments.
- Hold Space for something other than Survival.
- Navigate Space into Extraordinary and Archetypal domains in all parts of your life.
- Have your Sword Of Clarity to hand.
- Start entering your Matrix Points in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
- Upgrade your Thoughtware from Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware.
- Learn to Consciously Feel.
- Participate in a 4-or-8 week online-or-offline Rage Club. Consider also doing Rage Club Spaceholder Training to deliver Rage Club yourself.
- Create enough Value to quit your corporate job.
- Make Distinctions.
- Read all of the Recommended Possibilitator Books, preferably with someone else or better, in a weekly Study Group.
- Make Boundaries. Say what you want. Say what you don't want. Unleash your Real Voice.
- Take Radical Responsibility for your life.
- Avoid Low Drama. Consciously feed your Gremlin with your High Drama requests.
- Create an official weekly Possibility Team, online or offline.
- Watch all of the Recommended Possibilitator Videos, preferably in your Possibility Team.
- Negotiate 5 Body Intimacy Journeys.
- Relocate your Point Of Origin to archearchy.
Will Building this much Matrix take time and energy to do?
Yes. It will.
Where can you get the time and energy (and money) to Build this much Matrix?
By placing Matrix Building at the center of your life, the highest Value of your world... higher than new shoes, watching sports on TV, gossiping, being in Low Dramas, rebuilding your apartment, gambling, smoking, drinking, having the finest foods, going to health spa resorts, etc.
There is a problem you create by Building Matrix. When you have enough Matrix - you experience 'evolution by reflex'. What this means is that, almost without warning, when you have built the proper quantity and quality of Matrix, your awareness and values suddenly evolve to the next level of complexity, elegance, and sophistication. You can suddenly create things you could never create before. You suddenly understand, connect, and relate in ways you could never understand or relate in before. You can suddenly take responsibility for things you could not take responsibility for before. Your previous world suddenly dissolves as if it did not actually exist, and you find yourself in an entirely new world. Nothing changes but everything is different. If you have not heard of this before it can be violently unsettling. For example, you might assume that you are going insane. (You are not.) Now that you have heard of it, when it occurs, you have your little 'X' on the map that tells you what is actually going on. You are evolving simply because you had enough Matrix for this particular evolution to occur.
Seeds sprout when they are in proper conditions. Caterpillars emerge from their cocoon when they are sufficiently formed. Humans evolve into new orders of awareness when they have built enough Matrix. This is pretty straightforward stuff, the mechanics of Transformation.
The experience is what you might come to recognize as: Radical Adventure. Evolution by reflex is Radical Adventure.
Those people we know who have made the flip over from Surviving to Living report a significant Liquid State in every dimension of themselves and their life. What this means specifically is unique for each person (because each person is unique), but in general this Mega Liquid State seems to have several characteristics in common.
For example:
Phase 2 of Feelings Work.
Phase 2 of Gremlin Work.
Stop waiting around for someone else to cause Transformation in you.
Stop waiting around for someone else to cause Transformation in your circumstances.
Stop waiting around for someone else to cause Transformation in your organization.
Deconstellating (an EHP)
In the context of Family Constellation as formulated by Bert Hellinger, when the first child is born, they look around for a role model to follow, often the father or the mother. When the second child is born, the role chosen by the first child is already taken, so the second child chooses a different role model, etc. The purpose of choosing a role model is practical: to adopt an already-working Survival Strategy. The role model is copied whole. It happens in only a few moments. The result is you end up with the free space inside of you filled up with some kind of blob or concoction. Then, whenever circumstances arise around you, you respond and interact according to the form of the role you adopted. The benefit of this is the survival strategy. You survive as well as your role model. The handicap is that this strategy has a "best if used by"-date, which is when you turn eighteen years old. Occupying your central nothingness with an already used strategy prevents you from being you. Everything you represent as yourself is a lie because it comes from the adopted strategy rather than being invented by you now. As with the majority of Archan initiations, preparations are mandatory. For example, it is necessary that you can live in First Position, and can Inner Navigate your Four Feelings and Four Emotions. The process of Deconstellating requires a skilled spaceholder (suh as a Possibility Coach) to guide the Client to give the copied Survival Strategy back to the person they copied it from with gratitude, and also with irreversibility, meaning, into another dimension with an energetic protection barrier that can be traversed in only one direction, away. There may still be echo behaviors from so many years of following the patterns of the other person’s survival strategy, but once identified as echoes, they can fall away quite easily.
STARR - White Widow Survival Strategy
Survival System Engineering
Survival Strategy Experiments
Painful awareness is a catalyst that allows your Being to escape from deep patterns into bigger Presence and Connection. This is what these Experiments are for. Before you start Experimenting, read these hints thoroughly.
- EXPERIMENT: In Startover.xyz we use a capital 'E' on the term 'Experiment' to signify that you are doing a 'conscious experiment', meaning, that you maintain that particular kind of Attention you would maintain if you were an Alchemist or a Sorceress doing a particularly transformative test, being wary that the effort builds valuable Matrix in your Being attracting further Consciousness, but hyper-aware that it could go wrong in unpredictably nasty ways.
- WARN PEOPLE: Formally and clearly warn people around you that you are a Possibilitator and will be doing an Experiment to put yourself on auto-pilot, to be asleep at the wheel, to be a Zombie, consciously creating Low Drama, for the purpose of learning better to stay awake, be Radically Responsible, and create High Drama.
- ASK PEOPLE'S PERMISSION: Ask them if they will tolerate your insanity while you do this Experiment for 5 to 10 minutes.
- APOLOGIZE: Apologize earnestly afterwards for any disturbance you caused during your Experiment, but do not insist on going back to the Middle World. Your Nonlinear or Unreasonable behavior
- ASK FOR FEEDBACK: How was it for them? Use Completion Loops when you listen as a Space to whatever they want to tell you, even if it is all about them.
- KEEP YOUR GREMLIN ON ITS CHAIN: Do not let your Gremlin stay in control of you and gloat, or keep doing Gremlin shit when the other Gremlins wake up from your Experiment in unconsciousness and irresponsibility. Keep your Gremlin on its chain, even if it needs to be a long chain for 5 or 10 minutes.
- KEEP TRACK OF TIME: Or better yet, ask someone else to be your TIME KEEPER, to tell you when the 5 or 10 minutes is up. Go for at least 5 minutes. Any shorter is too short to feel the pain of the consequences. But do the Experiment no longer than 10 minutes, or you might forget that you are doing an Experiment. You could get swept up into a whirlpool of energy, caught in your own Booby-Trap. Hours or even days may go by while your Survival Strategy plays itself out until you enter the Waking State again and Notice that you have been lost in the Ordinary World.
- EMOTIONS LAST LONGER THAN 3 MINUTES: This means that the adrenalin and hormones released into your bloodstream by signals from your brain when you are in an Emotionally Reactive state will still be in your bloodstream! even after you have stopped the Experiment. That does not mean that your Emotions are real! They are Emotions! They do not come from the present. They come from the past, from the future, and from the belief system of other people or institutions. Stay Present in your Adult Ego State in a Minimized NOW and Observe how after 20 minutes the sensations from the chemicals in your bloodstream fade out. NOTE: If the sensations continue past 20 minutes, then you have called in a 'Rider' - an energy sucking vampire entity. Good. Then you know exactly how you did it - you know the Trigger Phrase you used - and you can become a Trigger Hunter, capturing this particular 'Trigger Phrase' into the physical prison of your Beep! Book as words on paper. Keep out your Sword Of Clarity and go hunting for the next Trigger Phrase. This is Archetypal Warrioress and Warrior work of the highest order!
- DOCUMENT YOUR WORK: This is an Experiment. Write down what you did and what you learned. Be as clear and specific as you can about what happened, not what you think about what happened. At the end of the Experiment you are doing now you can already know what your next Experiment will be. Then go for it.
- USE RAPID LEARNING: There are 2 kinds of Rapid Learning: a Pressure Rapid Learning (Go! Beep! Shift! Go!) and a Vacuum Rapid Learning. The Survival Strategy Experiments offered below are Pressure Rapid Learning, which means the environment will give you Beep!s and Go!s. Pay Attention to the Beep!s and Go!s as indicators of what to keep or Shift! as you design your next Experiment.
Consciously Enter Your Brain Split To Make Yourself Psychotic
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.01
A brain split can happen when you experience something that was inconceivable to you before it happened. It left a scar in your energetic brain.
For the purpose of this experiment, consciously enter one of your Brain Splits to make yourself psychotic, meaning you live as if this was to happen again. You get out of touch with reality and act from the assumption that what already happened is still real and will keep happening.
Do this experiment for 10 minutes, in the conversation with another adult. Speak from your Brain Split as if it was real now.
Write what you found out into your Beep! Book.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.01 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Control Others Using The Parent Ego State
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.02
In your Parent Egostate, you act by copying authority figures. These could be your parents, teachers, relatives, government, church, commercials, TV shows, etc. Your Parent Egostate can show up as a "nurturing parent" or as a "critical parent".
For this experiment, choose a 7 minute timeframe in which you are encountering other people, and then use your Parent Egostate to control these other people, so that you get exactly what you want.
Note: It could be valuable to warn people that you are doing an Experiment and ask them whether they will tolerate your insanity for the purpose of this experiment. Do this experiment with other adults, and not with children.
Controlling people from your Parent Egostate could look like praising them for doing what you want them to do, or scolding them for what you do not want them to do, or telling them exactly how they have to do things, lecturing them, etc. Make sure you copy the authorities you grew up with so that you control others the way that you were controlled.
After the 7 minutes are over, write down in your Beep! Book what you did and what you learned. Be as clear and specific as you can about what happened, not what you think about what happened.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.02 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Control Others Using The Child Ego State
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.03
The Child Egostate includes both the 'free natural' child and the 'scared needy adaptive' child that originate with considerations from the past. In your Child Ego State, you communicate about being scared, needy and adaptive so as to avoid encountering uncomfortable things that have already happened to you, or to continue encountering “warm-fuzzy” experiences that are naively irrelevant.
For the purpose of this experiment, choose a 10 minute timeframe in which you encounter other people and relate to them for the whole 10 minutes only from your Child Egostate. Make sure you get exactly what you want by using your child emotions to ensure others do not attack you, they give you what you need without you having to ask for it, by putting your neediness at the center of the space and letting others revolve around it.
Note: It could be valuable to warn people that you are doing an Experiment and ask them whether they will tolerate your insanity for the purpose of this experiment. Do this experiment with other adults, and not with children.
After the 10 minutes are over, write down in your Beep! Book what you did and what you learned. Be as clear and specific as you can about what happened, not what you think about what happened.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.03 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Let Your Gremlin Do Its Hidden Purpose On Others Or Yourself
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.04
When your Gremlin Egostate slides in and takes over, your purpose diminishes to mere Survival, at whatever the cost, to make things familiar even if it is a suffocating familiar. This includes persecuting yourself or others, victimising yourself or others, rescuing yourself or others, ridiculing, etc. Your Gremlin serves hidden purposes, shadow principles, such as control, superiority, inferiority, righteousness, manipulation, judgment, revenge, hatred, blame, competition, etc.
For this experiment, you choose a 7 minute timeframe in which you are around others, and then for the full 7 minutes you will consciously let your Gremlin do its hidden purpose on others or yourself. This means you let your Gremlin choose and speak. It may look like laughing at other's damage (Schadenfreude), gleefully bathing in other people's failure, telling yourself or others how you are so much better than them, or how you are so much worse than them, etc.
Note: It could be valuable to warn people that you are doing an Experiment and ask them whether they will tolerate your insanity for the purpose of this experiment. Do not do this experiment with children.
After the 7 minutes are over, write down in your Beep! Book what you did and what you learned. Be as clear and specific as you can about what happened, not what you think about what happened.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.03 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Do Bullshit To Distract People From Presence
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.05
For the next 7 days, starting today, make it your practice to do bullshit to ensure people are not present by distracting them for 10 minutes per day. Please bear in mind the Experiment hints above for this experiment.
Bullshit is made up of stories that are relevant, but not true. This means you will consciously lie to people in order to distract them with things that would be relevant if they were true. Notice what happens and write it down in your Beep! Book. Ask others for their Feedback and write it down also.
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.05 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Be Adaptive To Not Be A Problem
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.06
Each moment you are Being Adaptive, each adaptive action you take, further confines you to the prison of survival behaviors. You won't be able to shift out of Being unconsciously Adaptive until you can Be Adaptive consciously.
For this Experiment, commit to 10 minutes of adapting to your environment so that you are not a problem: Try to figure out what others want, so that you can adapt and go along without being a problem. When something does not work for you, swallow it. Do not speak up. Do not be a problem. When you are lacking clarity, do not ask for clarification, because that might be uncomfortable for the other. Find out other ways of being adaptive so that you are not a problem for others.
Write down in your Beep! Book what you noticed. Ask the others for their Feedback.
Repeat this Experiment at least on two more occasions for 10 minutes each time over the course of this week.
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.06 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Be An Unconscious Asshole
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.07
What distinguishes an Unconscious Asshole from a Conscious Asshole is the purpose. Being a Conscious Asshole means the willingness to be disliked and/or to upset other people for a Conscious Purpose, or perhaps as an Experiment. It is a valuable life skill.
Being an Unconscious Assholeness serves an Unconscious Purpose, such as being right, superior, controlling, judgemental, etc. You have been an Unconscious Asshole before.
For the purpose of this Experiment, consciously be an Unconscious Asshole today for 10 minutes. Please follow the general hints above before going through the Experiment.
In order to be an Unconscious Asshole, ignore useful feedback, let yourself get Hooked and Reactive to input, refuse to go through the Liquid States of the evolution, Healing, Thoughtware Upgrades, Initiations, and transformations of getting better at your craft. Let your Unconscious Gremlin lead the way.
When the 10 minutes are over, write down your findings in your Beep! Book.
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.07 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Give Your Center Away To Not Be A Threat
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.08
Register for a workshop or worktalk of at least one hour duration that truly interests you. This can be online or offline.
Make sure you are on time and enter the workshop or worktalk as an Experimenter committed to give her Center away so as to not be a threat to the main spaceholder.
Have some attention on how exactly you do that. Allow yourself to feel the pain of how you give your Center away to not be a threat also (Anger, Sadness, Fear, or Joy).
Afterwards, write down what you noticed and experienced in your Beep! Book.
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.08 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Break Your Commitment To Receive Scorn
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.09
Maybe sometimes you are 5 to 10 minutes late to an agreed meeting. Sometimes maybe just a minute or two. The fact is: You are late despite your commitment to this time agreement. You are unconsciously breaking your Commitment. Maybe sometimes you commit to doing something but then you do not follow through. Again, you are unconsciously breaking your Commitment.
For this Experiment, consciously break one of your Commitments to receive scorn. Notice how breaking your Commitment gets you negative attention... which for some part of you is better than getting no attention at all. Pay attention to what happens inside of you when you break the Commitment, and when you receive the negative attention. Write it down in your Beep! Book.
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.09 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Do Not Use Your Disk Of Nothing And Get Offended
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.10
One of the 13 tools on your energetic tool belt is the Disk of Nothing. It is a tool for staying unhookable.
If you were to use the Disk of Nothing, the hook thrown by another's Gremlin would land in the Nothing center of the Disk instead of in you.
Maybe you knew about the Disk of Nothing before and unconsciously did not use it. Is that accurate? Or maybe you did not know of the Disk of Nothing on your energetic toolbelt before reading these lines, so you unconsciously did not use it. Is that so?
For this experiment, make sure that you Consciously do not use the Disk of Nothing. Thereby, you ensure that the hook lands in you and you get to be offended. Do this experiment for 10 minutes and make sure you embrace the general hints above.
Choose a clear starting time when you are around other people (not children), make sure to consciousy get hooked by not using the Disk of Nothing, and then be offended once the hook has landed in you. Stop after 10 minutes. Then take notes of your discoveries in your Beep! Book.
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.10 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Stay Identified To Defend Your Box
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.11
The ‘Box’ is an automated, mechanical survival mechanism. It is a complex assortment of the thoughtware that humans use to interact with the world, such as their belief system, conclusions, stories, thinking patterns, assumptions and expectations, decisions, etc. The Box is so powerful because as humans we learned to identify with it.
When you identify with your Box, you cannot even see it. Instead, your survival mechanism runs our life. You defend your beliefs, consclusions, assumptions, stories, expectations, etc. and you stay imprisoned in them.
For this experiment, write down who you are as a person, your personality. Take at least 5 minutes for this part of the experiment.
Do you notice that what you just wrote are stories about yourself? They are skillfully crafted with Is-Glue (is, am, are, was, were, has, have, had, do, does, did, may, might, must, can, could, should, would, shall, will and including the "not" forms).
Then for the next 24 hours, consciously stay identified with the stories you have about yourself so that you can defend your Box whenever someone might threaten your self-image. Have your Beep! Book at hand for this experiment and write down how it goes for you to stay identified with your Box.
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.11 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Stay In Your Illusions
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.12
Illusion is when you think that you know something and later you find out you actually didn't . To have an illusion can seem ecstatic. "Ignorance is Bliss!" Everything appears to make sense. You know how things work. It seems as if you can trust that the way things are for you is the way things are for everyone. You know your direction. You are on the right path.
As part of this experiment, identify 3 illusions that you honestly believe to be true. Examples are that men respect women, women are not violent, children are pleasant to be around, etc. Write your 3 illusions on a piece of paper and carry it with you for an entire day. Choose to keep believing these illusions. Notice what happens in you as you hold on to the illusions. Do you stay comfortably numb? Do you feel something? Do you defend your illusions? Write it in your Beep! Book.
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.12 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Feed and Stay In Your Fantasy Worlds
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.13
It was necessary for you to use Fantasy Worlds to survive, as a strategy to protect you from reality. Not all of these Fantasy Worlds are unicorns and cotton candy. Some are dark, gritty, disturbing. The defining characteristic of a Fantasy World is that you have located yourself somewhere else other than reality. It means you are not in the Small Now.
For an entire day, detect your Fantasy Worlds. Write them down as you find them, and then stay in them consciously. Make sure to feed them by talking about them, imagining away into them, letting them dictate what youndonthroughout your day, etc. Take notes of what you discover as you Consciously feed and stay in your Fantasy Worlds in your Beep! Book.
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.13 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Get Fiercely Offended About Someone Using What You Created
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.14
Maybe you wrote an article and now someone uses some of your wording or distinctions that you wrote about in their article. Maybe you shared an idea with a friend and now they are acting on it. No matter what your creation, material or immaterial, choose to find out that someone is using it now. Then ensure to get Consciously fiercely offended. Feel the whole thing till the end. Then write what you noticed in your Beep! Book.
For example, you could notice how exactly your survival strategy of owning your creations and getting offended about their appropriation works in you. Do you check what others do to see whether they use your creations, so that you have the "right" to be offended? What do you feel when you are offended and how much possibility to act differently do you have then? Who do you become? What are the results, for you and others?
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.14 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Refuse To Change Your Mind
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.15
Refuse to change your mind so that you stay tightly in your self-made prison of beliefs, stories, and concepts.
Today choose a conversation and consciously enter the space where you refuse to change your mind. Instead, you defend to the death a belief, a concept, a small-picture view, or "the way you have always done things". Do not change your mind, no matter what. Go for minimum 5 and maximum 10 minutes. Please respect the hints given at the start of the Experiments section for the purposes of this Experiment. At the end of your Experiment, notice and write down in your Beep! Book the results you created. How much intimacy is there now? How flexible are you to move through the world? How are possibilities available to you then? Who are you in the conversation? - These are some of the things you might notice, and there may be more.
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.15 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Avoid Being Present
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.16
The only place things can change is in the Present where there is no time. Stories exist in time. If you are holding onto a story you are in time and not Present. The NOW in the Present is too small for stories.
Consciously avoid being Present by holding on to your stories, so that you are not in the NOW. Do this experiment for an entire day. As you wake up, notice your stories coming in, believe them, and relate to the world around you through those stories. For the entire day, avoid being present.
Have your Beep! Book at hand and note down what you notice, without changing anything.
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.16 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Avoid Authenticity
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.17
Authenticity is about accepting things as they are, not as they should be. When we expect experiences to be fashionable or exclusive, we stop seeing things as they are. We confuse the mask with the true identity.
For this experiment, practice for an entire day to Consciously avoid Authenticity. Wear your mask consciously. Be someone to others. Hide your true identity. Do not feel or say what is really going on.
Notice what you notice and write it down in your Beep! Book.
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.17 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Stay Filled Up And Fully Occupied
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.18
When you are the space you become the source. You are totally in contact with the other(s). When you are a block your space is filled up with stage fright, stories, ideas, pressure to perform, etc. You are not soucing.
For this experiment, Consciously stay filled up and fully occupied in your interactions for an entire day. Become a block instead of a Space so there is no room for anything but your ideas, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors where you are. Do not get off it. Be stubborn about it.
Write down what you notice in your Beep! Book.
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.18 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Contaminate Your Adult Ego State With Your Child Ego State To Avoid Responsibility
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.19
For an entire day, Consciously ensure to have Child Egostate behaviors taking place in your small HERE, small NOW Adult Egostate.
This might look like feeling small and having the urge to complain to, or blame, some 'external authority figure' for 'hurting' you, or 'ignoring' you, or 'rejecting' you. Do not take responsibility and ensurethat you mask your Child Egostate behaviors as Adult behaviours.
Write down what you notice in your Beep! Book.
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.19 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Contaminate Your Adult Ego State With Your Parent Ego State (RELIGION) To Avoid Responsibility
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.20
For an entire day, Consciously ensure to have Parent Egostate behaviors in the form of religious beliefs take place in your small HERE, small NOW Adult Egostate.
Parent Egostate behaviors express, for example, as demanding obedience, criticizing, making comparisons, making threats, trying to control others, dominate, or manipulate, using false authority, using reasons as if they were real, bestowing praise as a 'reward' when someone does what you want, hearing voices in your head such as: "You are not good enough," "You are stupid," "You will never make it," "You are the best," "You are more beautiful, smarter and faster than the others," etc. (ad nauseum) and believing these voices instead of instantly shooting them with your Voice Blaster. For the purpose of this experiment, consciously contaminate your Adult Egostate with these behaviors on the basis of religious thoughtware, such as right and wrong, morally corect and incorrect, shaming, praising, etc.
Write down what you notice in your Beep! Book.
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.20 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Contaminate Your Adult Ego State With Your Parent Ego State (CORPORATE BRAND FIDELITY) To Avoid Responsibility
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.21
For an entire day, Consciously ensure to have Parent Egostate behaviors in the form of corporate brand fidelity take place in your small HERE, small NOW Adult Egostate.
Parent Egostate behaviors express, for example, as demanding obedience, criticizing, making comparisons, making threats, trying to control others, dominate, or manipulate, using false authority, using reasons as if they were real, bestowing praise as a 'reward' when someone does what you want, hearing voices in your head such as: "You are not good enough," "You are stupid," "You will never make it," "You are the best," "You are more beautiful, smarter and faster than the others," etc. (ad nauseum) and believing these voices instead of instantly shooting them with your Voice Blaster. For the purpose of this experiment, consciously contaminate your Adult Egostate with these behaviors on the basis of corporate brand fidelity, making sure to enforce the use of only your favorite brands, enforcing the rules of these brands, etc.
Write down what you notice in your Beep! Book.
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.21 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Contaminate Your Adult Ego State With Your Parent Ego State (YOUR PARENT'S RULES AND BELIEFS) To Avoid Responsibility
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.23
For an entire day, Consciously ensure to have Parent Egostate behaviors in the form of your parents' rules and beliefs take place in your small HERE, small NOW Adult Egostate.
Parent Egostate behaviors express, for example, as demanding obedience, criticizing, making comparisons, making threats, trying to control others, dominate, or manipulate, using false authority, using reasons as if they were real, bestowing praise as a 'reward' when someone does what you want, hearing voices in your head such as: "You are not good enough," "You are stupid," "You will never make it," "You are the best," "You are more beautiful, smarter and faster than the others," etc. (ad nauseum) and believing these voices instead of instantly shooting them with your Voice Blaster. For the purpose of this experiment, consciously contaminate your Adult Egostate with these behaviors on the basis of your parents' rules and beliefs, such as the way your kitchen is organised, food is served, things are organised, words are used, what is acceptable and unacceptable, how you relate, etc.
Write down what you notice in your Beep! Book.
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.23 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Refuse To Learn Anything To Protect Your Status Quo
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.24
For an entire day, Consciously refuse to learn anything new. Protect your status quonat all cost. Become emotionally reactive to defend your position, be superior, look down on the other(s), stomp away offended, become confused, withdraw, etc.
Modern culture school has trained you to know instead of valuing being in the Process of Learning. Knowing is comforting, safe, and… dead. The moment you Know, the discovery journey stops.
During your experiment, notice what happens when you refuse to learn anything new. Note what you notice in your Beep! Book. How do you refuse to learn anything new? How do you protect your status quo? What are the results that you create? What do you feel? What happens inside of you? What happens outside of you? etc.
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.24 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Refuse To Practice Anything To Avoid Building Matrix
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.25
Making new decisions or discovering new distinctions without applying them as new options in your life is much like New Year's resolutions. You are fooling yourself. Your survival strategy ensures that nothing changes and you avoid building Matrix by refusing to practice. This experiment serves for you to find out more about this survival strategy of yours.
For one week, 7 days, Consciously refuse to Practice anything in order to avoid building Matrix. Go through an Emotional Healing Process and ensure you do not practice anything around the new decision you made. Refuse to practice any of your skills such as being centered, grounded and bubbled. Do not practice noticing. Do not practice navigating space. Do not practice sitting every day. Generally avoid any practice that would help you build Matrix.
Keep your Beep! Book close and note what you experience.
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.25 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Make Only CHILD Offers For Intimacy To Avoid Being Adult In The Present
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.26
Child offers for Intimacy come from your Child Egostate. They may express in the form of asking questions to find out what the other wants instead of saying what you want and making a proposal. Or you say what you would like and wait for the other to jump up and deliver what you would like.
For this experiment, for an entire day Consciously make only Child offers for Intimacy to avoid being Adult in the present. Write down what you notice about your offers, what happens in yourself, and what results you create, in your Beep! Book.
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.26 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Make Only PARENT Offers For Intimacy To Avoid Being Adult In The Present
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.27
Parent offers for Intimacy come from your Parent Egostate. They may express in the form of telling others how it goes, commanding them, demanding and repremanding, instead of being curious about the other.
For this experiment, for an entire day Consciously make only Parent offers for Intimacy to avoid being Adult in the present. Write down what you notice about your offers, what happens in yourself, and what results you create, in your Beep! Book.
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.27 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Make Only GREMLIN Offers For Intimacy To Avoid Being Adult In The Present
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.28
Gremlin offers for Intimacy come from your Gremlin Egostate. They may express in the form of superiority, manipulation, control, persecution, victimhood, etc., instead of being clear and vulnerable and in the unknown.
For this experiment, for an entire day Consciously make only Gremlin offers for Intimacy to avoid being Adult in the present. Write down what you notice about your offers, what happens in yourself, and what results you create, in your Beep! Book.
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.28 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Make Only GREEN BRAIN Interactions To Feel Safe And Connected
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.29
You don't interact with the world as it is, you interact with the world through the maps of the world. One of those maps is which brain you use to interact with the world. The green brain is the reptilian brain. 'Our' first brain, the first brain that was developed in the animals that became your ancestors. The green brain is about connection, about inclusion, about family, and about the past. The green brain is slower than the other brains.
For the purpose of this experiment, ensure for an entire day to only make green brain interactions to feel safe and connected. The way this may look is that you need to know where another person comes from, who their parents are, how many brothers and sisters they have and how they arrived where they are to feel connected to them. Make sure you know all of this before you can interact with others, do business with them, start a project, or decide about where to have lunch. Make sure you know everything thatbyournpartner did throughout the day before you can connect when you meet them at the end of the day.
Write down what you notice in your Beep! Book.
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.29 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Make Only RED BRAIN Interactions To Feel Safe And Taking Actions
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.30
The red brain is the mammalian brain. 'Our' second brain, the brain that developed on top of the reptilian brain. The red brain is about action, about 'me, me, me', about the present and about what's next. A 'red brain' person cannot sit for a long time, they are not interested in discussion, they want action. Their now is small, they don't think about the past, nor about the long term future. They will ask 'what next?' or simply move.
For this experiment, for an entire day Consciously make only red brain interactions to feel safe and taking actions. Get impatient when a green brain tells you all about their day. Cut off any discussion, do not sit down for a conversation, ask the others what they are going to do about it before they even finished talking, etc. Write down what you notice in your Beep! Book.
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.30 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Make Only BLUE BRAIN Interactions To Feel Safe And Right
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.31
The blue brain is the cortex. 'Our' third brain, the brain that developed after the red brain. The blue brain is about planning, about the future, about concepts and purposes, about making decisions and strategies.
For this experiment, for an entire day Consciously make only blue brain interactions to feel safe and right. Make sure you know exactly what, when and how before you do anything or commit to anyone. Discuss possibilities and plan ahead before you take action, so that you feel safe and get it right. Make sure you understand the other(s), and that you share similar concepts in your communication with others. Write down what you notice in your Beep! Book.
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.31 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Make Only YELLOW BRAIN Interactions To Feel Safe In The Unconcerned Big-Picture Overview
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.32
The Yellow Brain is in the center of our brain. It is the latest brain to develop. The yellow brain is timeless and has no time, no past and no future. The yellow brain has vision and is holistic. It is about the big picture. It is slower than the red and blue brain. The yellow brain is not in a hurry because it doesn't relate to time in a linear way, but in a circular way.
For this experiment, for an entire day Consciously make only yellow brain interactions to feel safe in the unconcerned big-picture overview. Make sure you have meta-conversations. Ask about purpose and the vision of the project or the proposal before you can relate to it. Ensure you slow the activism of the red brain offers down with your holistic view that leads nowhere. Write down what you notice in your Beep! Book.
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.32 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Create Only "I Win, You Lose" Competitive Interactions To Make Yourself SUPERIOR
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.33
Competition involves constant comparisons against other people or against standards set by external authorities. The Box may feel comfortable only being a loser, or only being perfect, the best. Both are insane because they are so far away from reality. But to the Box, being Inferior or being Superior may feel like life-or-death necessity.
For the purpose of this experiment, choose your Box survival strategy of being superior. For an entire day, create only "I win, you lose" interactions to make yourself superior. Let yourself play this out. What do you notice? Write it into your Beep! Book.
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.33 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Create Only "I Win, You Lose" Competitive Interactions To Make Yourself INFERIOR
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.34
Competition involves constant comparisons against other people or against standards set by external authorities. The Box may feel comfortable only being a loser, or only being perfect, the best. Both are insane because they are so far away from reality. But to the Box, being Inferior or being Superior may feel like life-or-death necessity.
For the purpose of this experiment, choose your Box survival strategy of being inferior. For an entire day, create only "I lose, you win" interactions to make yourself inferior. Let yourself play this out. What do you notice? Write it into your Beep! Book.
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.34 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Be The Problem
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.35
A Problem is a situation that you don't know what to do with. Whenever something happens in a gameworld that is out of the Box’s control, the Box’s alarm system reacts. Your Box tells you to call the situation “a problem.”
For an entire day, Consciously be the Problem, meaning causing other people's Boxes to freak out. Do this to get negative attention, to be in the center, to feel seen.
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.35 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Make Someone Else The Problem
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.36
Choose 3 interactions today in which you Consciously make someone else the Problem. Do this so that you get to be the good girl / good boy, to be right, to be the Angel, to be the nice guy / nice girl, to be the Teacher's Pet, to keep yourself cut off from friends, to betray others before they betray you, to blame, to resent, to be superior, to be arrogant, to reject Presence and Innocence, to have Schadenfreude food for your Gremlin, etc. Find your own Box's purposes, and write them down in your Beep! Book.
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.36 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Always Have A Problem Conversation
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.37
For an entire day, Consciously always have a Problem conversation. Ensure that you navigate every interaction, any conversation, to be about a problem, to avoid finding out who you are when there is no Problem. Write down what you notice in your Beep! Book.
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.37 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Avoid Putting The Poop On The Table
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.38
The Poop is the kind of stuff noone wants yo talk about because it bursts the fake harmony bubble. It's the smelly, not pretty stuff.
For an entire day, Consciously hide the Poop in all interactions. Pretend as if there is no Poop. Keep the Poop under the table. Keep Poop in your secret Poop Treasure Chest (secret resentments, secret withholds, secret hatreds, secret commitments to get revenge) so that no matter what happens, you always have some Poop to pull out and use against anyone to avoid Presence and Intimacy.
Notice what happens with you and others as you do the experiment, and write your findings in your Beep!Book.
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.38 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Avoid Noticing Details To Keep Your Fantasy World Bubble From Being Popped By Reality
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.39
Consciously avoid Noticing details to keep your fantasy world bubble from being popped by reality. Do this Experiment of avoiding for an entire day.
Keep making comments or telling little jokes. Keep whistling. Keep worrying about the past or the future, or your parents, or your kids, or money, or your hair, or the state of the world. Do anything to avoid being Present.
Write down what you experienced in your Beep! Book.
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.39 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Use "I Know" Torpedoes
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.40
Choose 3 conversations today in which you Consciously use "I know" torpedoes. By saying "I know" when someone shares something of value to them with you, you ensure to not truly receive what they are offering you.
Maybe you trick them to thinking you understand their words while actually using "I know" as an energetic torpedo that blows up their communication in the air before it comes in and touches your Being. Destroy their offer and avoid internally considering or experiencing the possibilities in their message. Ensure that you protect your Box from change at all cost.
Write down what you experienced in your Beep! Book. Consider the hints above these Experiments before you start this Experiment. An apology may be appropriate.After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.40 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Use "I don't know" Torpedoes
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.41
For this experiment, for an entire day, when someone asks you a question that could cause you to reach down into yourself and pull out surprising new clarity and possibility that could change your self-experience, you Consciously use "I don't know' torpedoes. Do not go to where the question leads, so that you stay safe and in your Box. Remain the same old you and simply make the
claim, “I don’t know”, which, of course, is true, because your mind does not already know what transformational potentials reside within your Being.
Write down your experience in your Beep! Book.Consciously Fail So The World Sees What Horrible Parents You Had
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.42
This is about getting revenge on your parents. Revenge is an unconscious, irresponsible shadow purpose. You may not even be aware of serving it.
Do you continuously fail at what you attempt? You may be unconsciously taking revenge on your parents. By failing in life - be it that you cannot get the jobs you want, not having money, not thriving - you get to prove to the world what horrible parents you had. Because, after all, they failed to equip you with what it takes to succeed.
For the purpose of this experiment, choose one project and start it with the conscious intention to fail, so that the world sees what horrible parents you had. You choose how big or small the project is. As you consciously fail, connect with the satisfaction that comes from failing because your parents failed you. They are the horrible ones, not you. Now everyone can see.
Write down what you notice in your Beep! Book. What are your internal sensations? What are your thoughts? What your emotions? How has this played out in previous failures? What do you feel about it now?
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.40 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Generate Sleep Waves
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.42
Any time the conversation starts getting tense, like it did between Mommy and Daddy when Daddy came home late or Mommy drank or spent too much money, consciously let your mind change frequency, sink into the middle of your stomach, and go numbly blank. Do not move. Ooooze out sleepiness frequencies that hypnotize everyone. Full anything sharp. Ensure that understanding vanishes in the space, until people wander off and go do something else, never remembering what happened. You are safe. After a while you move again. Being able to generate sleep waves is one kind of Mind Machine.
Notice and write down how you generate sleep waves, what happens in you and what results you create, in your Beep! Book.
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code SURVIVAL.43 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Generate Confusion Waves
Matrix Code: SURVIVAL.44
Confusion is the feature of standard Box 13. For the purpose of this Experiment, choose 3 conversations today in which you do not answer questions directly, or you answer a different question than was asked. Consciously suppress you age and letbit come out sidways in the form of confusion waves. Do not stand in your own clarity about what you are and what you want for fear of being killed, again. Entangle others in trying to rescue you by being confused.
Write down what you find out during this Experiment in your Beep! Book.
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code SURVIVAL.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!